Agent Referrals
Let us be your partner in property management and tenant placement

Building meaningful relationships takes time and holds significant importance for us. We are quite aware of the time and dedication you've invested over the years in cultivating your client base. At Atlanta Marietta, we've crafted an Agent Referral Program that allows you to confidently refer your clients to us for property management services. This way, you can concentrate on sales while ensuring your clients receive dedicated care and support from a capable and compassionate property manager.
We assist real estate agents in effectively handling clients with rental properties and Section 8 housing. Whether your client is a novice or seasoned real estate investor or simply a homeowner looking to rent their property, we can provide you with a comprehensive rental analysis to present to your client. Additionally, we are available to offer guidance and address any questions you or your client may have.
We specialize exclusively in property management and do not sell real estate - we leave that to you. Our pledge to you is to maintain the property and provide the best possible support to your client and smoothly transition them back to you once they are ready to sell or buy more property.
You can count on us to be your your resource and partner in property management. Contact us today to discuss our referral fee and find out how we can work as a team by combining our complimentary services.
Refer a Client
How much is the referral fee?
We pay $500 for each owner you refer to us and whom signs a property management agreement. When the owner is ready to sell or wants to purchase another rental, we will contact you immediately. You can trust us to serve your clients with the highest level of service and professionalism.
What common mistakes do landlords make?
What kind of properties do you manage?
We handle a wide range of residential property including single family homes, multi-family homes, small apartments, and Section 8 homes.
How do I get paid?
We have our own referral form or you can use the GAR Referral form, CO16. To make it easy, you just provide us with your client's name and we will prepare the form for your electronic signature. We pay once the owner has signed a management agreement.
How involved do I have to be?
Just give us your client's information and we'll take if from there. We will discuss our services, pricing, activities. Once they sign a property management agreement, we will help them get their home ready to rent, photos, listed, and the whole nine yards. When you client signs with us, you no longer have to be involved at all!
How do I send my clients to you?
Any number of ways:
1. You can complete the form on this page
2. Send us an email at
3. Call or text us at 770-906-3622.
4. You can call our office at 404-692-3543.
We will be glad to contact your client and get working in his investment property. If you like, have them call us! We will preserve your contact informatin and make sure you get your commission.

Outsource Your Property Management
You probably just fell into managing your client’s property. Their home wasn’t selling so you agreed to rent it for your client until the market turned or perhaps you figured steady monthly income during tough economic times. That’s how most agents get into property management and unless you are dedicating time to these rentals, they are devouring you – and you’re probably wondering if it’s worth the effort.
Property management is truly a nickel-dime business. Managing one or a few rentals is time consuming and stressful, especially since you don’t have the staff or assistants that can resolve tenant issues quickly and correctly. Your rentals are a major distraction that interfere with your ability to focus on your real estate sales. We can assure you that no matter what size your inventory, if you are not 100% focused on your property management business, it is causing you some serious aggravation. That’s where we come in.
No matter how many rentals you have, you can outsource your property management to us. If you are interested in this alternative solution to your management problems, please do not hesitate to contact us.